Privacy Policy
Reunrom Co., Ltd. (I Tara Resort) values users and takes their (users’) privacy seriously. We also want you to feel comfortable using our website. It is important that you understand how we collect, use, and maintain your information. This Privacy Policy deals with personally identifiable information (referred to as "Data" below) that may be collected by us on our site.
This policy does not apply to other entities that we do not own or control or persons that are not our employees, agents, or within our control. This Privacy Policy explains who we are, how we collect, share and use personal information, and how you can exercise your privacy rights.
Who We Are
We are Reunrom Co., Ltd., the hotel on Laem Phak Bia Beach in Petchaburi province of Thailand. We have our online presence on and other related subdomains thereof.
Type of Data We Collect
- Personal information: We collect different information about you when you submit our contact form on our site or subscribe to our newsletter.
- Non-personal information: We also collect some non-personally identifiable data, such as demographic information regarding, e.g. user IP addresses, browser types, and other anonymous statistical data regarding the use of our website.
Use of Personal Information
- Data Usage: The collected data are used in several ways. We use your personally identifiable information (name, email address, etc.) to identify you in order to contact, send a newsletter, and provide products & support. The non-personal data may be used to improve the service.
- Purpose of Data Collection: The purpose of taking these data is to identify you as our customer and deliver products/notices.
- No Data Sharing With Third-Parties: We don’t share your data with third parties in a way as to reveal any of your personal information like email, name. If you have been through the ways we collect data, only our administrators have access to your data. No third party can access your data from us.
Third-Party Integration and Links
We may talk about third-party products and services on our website. Third-party products and sites have their own privacy policies. So, therefore, we have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites.
Cookies uses cookies to identify and track visitors, their actions on the site, and their website access preferences. visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on their browsers should set their browsers to refuse cookies before using’s website. Once you turn off cookies on your browsers, certain features of may not work properly without the aid of cookies.
Read our Cookie Policy
Data Breach Procedures We Have in Place
If in any case, a breach of data such as loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, personal data transmission, storage, or otherwise processed happens, we will notify you immediately after we become aware of it.
Updating Privacy Policy
We may bring necessary modifications to this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any change made or any new point added to the Privacy Policy described above will be published here on this page. The major changes will also be informed through newsletters. reserves the right to change or modify the above contents at any time without any prior notice.
Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy or information we hold about you by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Last updated on June 17, 2022.